Othello (Shakespeare For Everyone Else #2)
Shakespeare for Everyone Else
A Retelling by C.E. Wilson
Copyright © 2013 by C.E. Wilson
All Rights Reserved
Text copyright © 2013 by C.E. Wilson
All Rights Reserved
For information:
Othello: Shakespeare for Everyone Else
A YA retelling of Othello by William Shakespeare
Cover Design by: Mae I Design and Photography
ISBN: 978-0-9883055-6-4
Good friends are hard to come by,
Thank you Kirstin for all your love and support
I am lucky to have you in my life.
Who’s Who in Shakespeare for Everyone Else: Othello
Othello, Orion
Desdemona, Devony, Dev
Emilia, Ellie
Michael Cassio, Micah Castile
Iago, Archer
Roderigo, Roderick
Brabantio, Darren, Devony’s father
Duke of Venice, Headmaster Castile, Vance, Micah’s father
Bianca, Bentley
She tugged nervously on her red hair. She had known this moment would come and it couldn’t be avoided any longer. “Are you sure you want to do this?” Devony asked him carefully. “We’ve kept it a secret for so long, I’m sure we could for a little longer.”
“Why would you want to do that?” a voice responded in a soft yet authoritative accent that was almost British, but not quite.
“School starts tomorrow,” Devony said. “We could just stay quiet about it for a bit longer—”
“I’m tired of waiting. I hate all this sneaking around. I’m tired of it, Dev. I want to start my senior year right, you know? I want to be honest.”
“Orion, I don’t know how people will take it.”
“Since when do you care so much about what other people think?”
She winced a bit as she searched for another excuse. “Orion, you’re a senior and I’m—”
“You’re a junior,” he finished for her. “We wouldn’t be the first. Didn’t you have fun with me this summer?”
She smiled. “It was incredible.”
“I agree and I’ve done everything you’ve asked me to. I kept our relationship a secret from everyone despite the fact that I wanted to scream from the rooftops we’re together. Do you want to break up now that school’s starting?”
“Of course not!” she blurted out, crawling into his dark denim-clad lap, wrapping her arms around his neck and rubbing his smooth mahogany skin. “This was the best summer of my life. And your parents—”
“My parents loved you,” Orion said, kissing her gently.
He still couldn’t believe that this girl was his. Her pale, slender hands were such a contrast to his. Orion’s skin was so dark that his classmates joked they couldn’t see him at night without a flashlight. Orion laughed with them, but the comments still hurt. He couldn’t help but wonder if Devony was trying to keep him a secret because she was embarrassed. “Is this really just about your dad?”
“So what is it? You’re worried about what people at school will think?”
“It’s not that…” she said softly, returning his kisses. “You’re basically perfect.”
“I’m not,” Orion denied strongly, but inwardly taking a moment to enjoy having his ego stroked by such a beautiful woman.
“You live by yourself and yet you still manage to take care of this whole apartment. You’re practically a man. Don’t I seem like a child to you?”
“A child?” Orion said, pulling back with a surprised look. “Devony, I don’t date children. What are you so worried about? Are you ashamed of me?”
“I’m not!” she blurted out, snuggling against his chest. He smelled warm, earthy. “Orion, you could never embarrass me. How can you even ask me that?”
“I’ve known your father for several years now. He’s always called me an honorary member of his family and I feel guilty when I see him now, knowing that I’m doing…” he trailed off, kissing her neck and her collarbone, “…this to his daughter on the sly. He trusts me, Devony. He was the one who spoke to the headmaster about letting me continue to attend school while my parents were traveling.”
“I just need more time,” Devony said, moaning as his kisses hit all the right places. “I have to break the news to my father gently.”
“Why?” Orion asked. “Because I’m not—”
“That’s not why. You just said my father treated you like family.”
“What a man says and what he believes are two very different things.”
“God, I love your accent,” she said.
Orion rolled his eyes. “Now I know you’re just trying to change the subject.”
“But it’s true!”
With his dark skin and sharp African features, his soft accent seemed to belong to a different person. Every time he spoke, Devony could tell that she wasn’t the only one captivated by his speech. Everyone turned in his direction to hear what he had to say. His voice rumbled, sounding so much like a man’s already. He seemed much older than his eighteen years but why shouldn’t he? Orion had been taking care of himself since he was fifteen and his parents moved to the states from South Africa.
At first he had been nothing more than a strange immigrant in Devony’s world but many people took to him because of his kindness and his exceptional maturity. She was one of many who had fallen under his spell. Orion was charming, attractive, and gentle. She had started dating him over the summer when she realized she was no longer afraid to approach him. She was now visiting his apartment whenever she had the chance. Warm days, cool nights, it didn’t matter – they were always together, in each other’s arms and kissing. After three months she found that she still couldn’t describe how much she loved him despite just turning seventeen.
But summer was quickly turning into fall and she knew that keeping their relationship a secret wasn’t an option anymore. Orion wanted to be an honest man and honest men didn’t go sneaking around with their friend’s daughters. She nuzzled closer to his chest, inhaling the rich scents of vanilla and of a forest after a heavy downpour.
“Don’t try and be cute,” Orion said affectionately, running his fingers through her auburn curls. “Don’t think that you can distract me with your compliments. I think I know you better than that.” Smiling, Devony lifted her head, looking into his surprisingly light brown eyes with her blue ones. He smoothed his thumb across her cheek. “Maybe you can distract me with those eyes, though,” he relented.
“I’m going to tell him,” she said. “Soon. You just have to give me more time.”
“Time. You always want more time,” he said. “Why can’t we just tell him? I’m tired of all this. I want to show you off to the world, Dev. Don’t you want to show me off?”
“O-of course,” she said.
“You hesitated,” he said, frowning. He couldn’t hide his hurt. “I don’t like feeling this way.”
“I’m sorry,” she said. “I don’t want you to feel bad for being who you are.”
“You know I’d do anything for you,” he said, leaning in closer and kissing her lips. “What can I do? How can I convince your father that I’m a good guy?” She thought hard, biting her lower lip. Orion found the sight adorable and gently touched her lip with his thumb, brushing it softly as his long fingers curled around her hair. “That’s a bad habit, Dev,” he said thickly. “Talk to me.”
id you think about what I said earlier this summer?” she asked, hoping to change the subject.
“You’re going to have to be a bit more specific.”
“Running for student body president?”
“Dev, I couldn’t,” he said, leaning back. “It’s not like anyone would vote for me.”
“Everyone would vote for you,” she said.
“You seem pretty sure of yourself.”
“I’ll help you.”
His dark eyebrow arched. “You’ll help me?”
“Of course! It was my idea, wasn’t it?”
“I’m listening.”
“You’re a senior this year, and everyone knows who my dad is. We’d be an unstoppable pair. Plus, we’ll be able to hang out if we’re working on it together.”
“What about your dad?”
“I’ll tell him, Orion, but you have to give me time.”
“How much time do you need?”
“Time to…” she trailed off. What was she waiting for? Orion was a great guy and more than worthy of her father’s approval but she was still reluctant. Orion was older than her – a senior – and though he was all of the great things she mentioned earlier, she couldn’t help but worry that her father would be a challenge. “Run for student body president,” she said again. “Please?”
“Will you talk to your father?”
“I…I’ll try.”
Orion frowned, realizing that this was probably the best he was going to get. His phone buzzed next to him on the end table and carefully he moved Devony out of his lap and next to him on the couch. He checked the message and his frown grew even more pronounced.
“Who is it?” Devony asked.
“The headmaster,” he said. “Checking in on me as always. He said he wants me to get to bed early with school starting soon.”
“Then I should go,” Devony said, standing up to smooth out her jean shorts. Her legs still looked as soft and pale as ever, despite the summer sun and the heat. Orion had once tried to count every freckle on her thighs, losing count after several hundred.
“Do you want me to walk you down?”
“No, I’m okay, I’m parked close,” she said, walking to the door. Orion stood up and followed her to the front of the apartment, resting a hand in the frame as he opened the door. Leaning over her, he pulled her into a hug, resting his chin in her curls. “You can see my car from here,” Devony said, smiling and hugging him back.
“Do you really want me to run for president?” he murmured into her hair. When he felt her nod below him, he smiled. “I’ll do it.”
She looked up at him, her smile somehow growing wider. “Really? You mean it?”
“If that’s what’ll make you happy,” he said. “I can’t deny you anything. You’re too damn cute. But if you’re going to help me, then you’re going to be with me, okay? I expect you to be with me…in the open.”
“What about my father?”
“I’ll give you whatever time you need,” Orion said. “But at school,” he grunted, pulling her in close, “you’re mine.”
“I’m yours,” she said, standing on her toes to meet his lips. “Always.”
“Good. Now get out of here before the headmaster decides to actually drive over and check on me.” He gave her butt a playful smack as she turned away. “Drive home safe.”
She smiled and waved, sauntering over to her father’s car. “See you at school?”
“See you at school,” he said, watching her go.
Act One